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June 03, 2009

+ it's all abOut m.e! +

me?? hemm.. actually i really dunnoe how to describe myself..i'm NOT a P.E.R.F.E.C.T person..but maybe have a kinda of X-Factors..i also dun understand how n why da people describe me as a C.U.T.I.E.S..heh!! dats is da most weird thing was describing bout me..luv P.I.N.K.Y and B.L.A.C.K.Y damN muCh!! huhu...but obviously bout me..if i really do luv somebody..i'll do it until my last BREATH..hemm..dats why it is so hard to fall in luv wif someone..as life goes on..i'm trying to learn more and more bout responsilibity..its gonna makes me be more matured to face dat fact da reality of life..so.at dis moment, i jz wanna apologize for da things i've done..n for da things not accurred yet..most important things dat i will understand 4eva is jz being ourself..TRULY ourself!! eventhou somethings terrible was happend, jz consider it as a test of human being..da life must goes on..lastly.. i jz can hope dat all da people around me comfortable wif me as well..knowing me first and judge me later..=)if u r alone..i'll be ur shadow..if u want to cry...i'll be ur shoulder...if u need to be happy..i'll be ur smile..but anytime u need frenz..i'll jz be me....F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P.4.e.v.a.A.N.D.n.e.v.a.E.N.D...MmmUUaHHxXx!!