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December 18, 2010

+live life to the fullest+

hidup mesti diteruskan .
ceria selalu .
^^ .

December 17, 2010


apa akan anda rasa bila terpaksa menjaga hati semua pihak ?
tersepit antara rakan-rakan dan orang yang kita sayang .
celaru kan ?
aku cukup gundah .
hati aku berkecamuk dalam menghadapi perkara sebegini .
sesungguhnya .
aku telah cuba yang terbaik .
mungkin aku dianggap keterlaluan .
tapi .
apakan daya aku .
terasa persahabatan dan perhubungan ku ini dipijak-pijak .
biarlah .
aku tak mampu berbuat apa .
bukan aku tak cuba menjaga .
tapi .
fahamilah seandainya berada di tempat ku .
terpaksa menjaga kedua-dua pihak .
aku sayang anda semua .
maafkan aku atas segala kekhilafan dan kesalahan ku .


# i'm not a perfect person .

December 16, 2010

+ u p d a t e +

berabad sudah rasanya aku tak update blog ni .
rasanya dah cukup berhabuk dan bersawang kot .
bukan apa .
kekangan masa tu .
tak sempat sangat nak belek-belek blog ni macam dulu .
dengan kerja .
study lagi .
part time menulis .
botak kepala buat semua dalam satu masa .
kalu boleh la kan .
hujung bulan ni aku rasa macam nak gi travel .
berbeg packers .
ala-ala macam mat saleh tu .
tapi ,
aku tengah survey-survey jgk .
nak kemana pon tak sure lagi .
rasa macam nak main lompat-lompat bas .
tak pun naik train pon menarik jugak .
hmmm .
idea oh idea .
nak kemana pon tak tau lagi .

October 22, 2010

+ life life life+

kini aku .
seorang siswazah .
seorang pekerja .
seorang anak .
seorang hamba .
aku akan cuba buat sehabis baik .
untuk diriku .
masa depanku .
keluargaku .
doakan semoga aku sentiasa kuat .

+beautiful of life+

hari ini .
kehidupan kita penuh dengan duri dan ranjau .
pelbagai perkara yang harus ditempuhi .
dalam sepanjang kita menjalani liku kehidupan .
kita sebenarnya .
tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang kita miliki .
tidak pernah bersyukur dengan apa yang telah diberikan .
bukan apa .
setiap manusia ada keinginan dan impian tersendiri .
dalam meniti arus kehidupan yang tiada bersempadan .
dunia hari ini .
menuntut supaya kita sentiasa berusaha yang terbaik .
kita tidak akan dapat memiliki sesuatu tanpa jerih perih kita sendiri .
namun .
ingatlah bahawa .
kita tidak akan selalunya berada di atas .
Allah swt akan sentiasa menduga kita .
agar menjadi insan yang lebih kuat dalam menghadapi segala cabaran yang ada .
syukurilah nikmat yang ada .
pengorbanan kedua ibubapa tidak harus dipersia .
semoga kita sentiasa dilindungi rahmat-Nya .

September 12, 2010


selamat hari raya semua !
maaf zahir dan batin .

August 10, 2010

+my biggie day+

o.m.g !

after 3 years being a student at UKM .

i'm valid as an ALUMNI of UKM .

that was so memorable moment to me .

a lots of thanx for those teaching me .

help me .

give me support .

my parents .

my lecturers .

my dears friends .

thanx a lots guys .

and also .

thanx for those giving me .

choclates .

flowers .

and lovely bebear .

thanx again .


July 12, 2010

+ fasa baru +

semester baru bermula .
kini aku pelajar masters .
semakin berat tanggungjawabku .
ya Allah ya Tuhanku .
berikanlah aku kekuatan dalam meneruskan perjalanan hidup ini .
semoga segala yang dirancang berjalan lancar .
amin .
ya Rabbal alamin .

June 24, 2010

+ i n t e r n s h i p +

i just wanna countdown on the top of pops .
it just another day to settle down my internship .
before i'm starting a new chapter of my life .
i really need some space to breath .
just for a while .
after this .
i'm gonna be a busy women .
working .
while ,
furthering my masters .
what a ridiculous life .
weng2 !
X'D .

June 22, 2010

+ life full of story +

practical ?
o m g !
it is a new experiance for those who are freshy like me .
i learn a lot of knowledge .
here .
we can observe people's tought .
people's opinion .
people's behaviour .
and the most important .
how peoples work .
i am so tiring .
but .
i just can say thanx for those teaching me for the whole of my internship .
this Friday gonna be my last day for my internship .
i need some rest then .
perhaps .
but i really hope for that kind .
H O L I D A Y !
just for a while .
dear Allah .
please give me a strength .

June 20, 2010

+ i m p o s s i b l e +

I remember years ago .
someone told me I should take .
CAUTION when it comes to love .
I did .
I did .
and u were strong and I was not .
my illussion .
my mistake .
I was careless .
I forgot .
I did .
and now when all is done .
there is nothing to say .
u have gone .
and so effortlessly .
u have won .
u can go ahead tell them .
tell them all I know now .
shout it from the roof top .
write it on sky love .
all we had is gone now .
tell them I was happy .
and my heart is broken .
all my scar are open .
tell them what I hoped would be .
impossible . impossible . impossible . impossible .
falling out of love is hard .
falling for betrayal is worst .
broken trust and broken hearts .
I know . I know .
thinking all u need is there .
building faith on love is worst .
empty promises will wear .
I know .
and know when all is gone .
there is nothing to say .
and if u're done with embarrasing me .
on ur own you can go ahead tell them .
tell them all I know now .
shout it from the roof top .
write it on sky love .
all we had is gone now .
tell them I was happy .
and my heart is broken .
all my scar is open .
tell them what I hoped would be .
impossible . impossible . impossible . impossible . impossible .

June 09, 2010

+ sigh +

olallallaallaa .
penat sgt !
mahu cuti .
wawawwaawawaaa .

May 24, 2010

+ hoomaiiigoddd +

dulu bz ngan seimen .
study .
exam .
internship .
bakal smbung stdy lagi .
bila la dapat kerja ?
bila nak rehat puas2 kejap ?
i need to go vacation !

May 14, 2010

+ cukup hanya sekali +

pengalaman mengajar erti kehidupan .
2 minggu di Shah Alam cukup mengajar aku .
semalam .
aku akui aku salah .
tapi aku pinta .
jangan hukum aku begini .
aku bagai org gila .
mancari .
merayau .
hampir 5 jam aku keseorangan .
di pagi yg hening .
sesat .
dikejar mamat motor 6 orang .
hampir dilanggar kerana saat itu aku tidak mampu utk berfikir sebaiknya .
betapa aku seorang di jalanan .
tetapi Allah maha kuasa .
aku bersyukur padaMu ya Rabb .
aku terlalu kerdil .
ketakutan .
bateri hp habes langsung .
duit dalam wallet ketika itu hanya tingga syiling RM 0.90 .
aku bersembunyi di gelanggang futsal .
yang aku sendiri tidak tahu di mana tempat itu .
hanya Tuhan yang tahu perasaan ku saat itu .
akhirnya .
aku gagahi jua diriku .
mencari jalan pulang .
aku masih ada tanggungjawab yang harus ku laksanakan untuk menghabiskan sisa pengajian ku .
dalam perjalanan pulang .
aku hanya mampu berserah andai sesuatu terjadi kepada ku .
syukur padamu ya Allah .
aku masih mampu bernafas untuk hari ini .
semoga pengalaman ini menjadi seribu satu hikmah pada diri ku .
terima kasih Shah Alam .
aku harap agar aku tidak akan kembali lagi ke sini di masa akan datang .

April 22, 2010

+ exam oh exam +

gambatte kudasai !
20 april - 29 april .
chaiyok !

April 12, 2010

+ munajat +

ya Allah ya tuhan ku .
munajat ku padamu ya Rabb .
tabahkan lah hati ku .
hindarilah rasa sangsi ku .
jauhkan lah aku dari segala dusta .
ya Allah ya tuhan ku .
hanya engkau maha mengetahui .
hanya engkau maha memahami .
berikan lah aku petunjuk dan hidayahMu .
sesungguhnya aku terlalu kerdil .
aku terlalu hina di mataMu .
ampunkanlah dosa-dosa ku .
dosa-dosa kami .
dosa-dosa seluruh umat Islam yang lain .
amin ya Rabbal 'alamin .

+ gracias +

thanx a lots .
this is for da 3rd time .
dun worrie .
if u want it .
i'll let u go~

March 26, 2010

+ final project +

yey !
final project utk MCP da hbes .
thanx pada semua yg byk membantu .
jasa kalian sgt dihargai .
Lipstik Production rowX !
gonna mish this moment .

March 22, 2010

+ o m g ! +

23 ?
omg !
happy bufday to me !
23 mac 1987 .
thanx mama n abah .

March 18, 2010

+ dem +

gosh !
I am TOO buSy nowdays !
I need some space to breath .
a load of work .
gonna makes me TING TONG oke !
wut to do .
this is my final semester as student .
afterwards .
no more STRESS because of ASSIGNMENT k !
please be PATIENCE , emy !
set up ur GOAL and TARGET !
everythings gonna be alrite soon .

March 15, 2010

+ broga hill rowx ! +

so damn nice view~

March 13, 2010

+ duka +

be strong !

March 06, 2010

+ duka.lara.suka.hati +

imbau kembali .
zaman kita baru mengenal abjad .
zaman kita mula mengenal sahabat .
zaman kita mula mengenal cinta .
zaman kita mula mengenal dunia .
zaman kita mula mengenal derita .
zaman kita mula mengenal cerita .
namun .
semua itu sudah berlalu .
kini kita dengan cara kita .
hanya diri yang mampu menentukannya .
tepuk dada tanya diri sendiri .
apakah jalan seterusnya yang bakal kita pilih ?
sama ada baik ataupun buruk .
terpulang pada diri masing-masing untuk menilainya .

February 24, 2010

+ s i g h +

3rd year = S U C K !

February 11, 2010

+ h o l i d a y y e y ! +

selamat bercuti semua .
happy chinese new year .
and .
happy valentine day .

February 05, 2010

+ wutsoeva +

totally wasted my time !
huuuhh .

+ h a i y o ! +

kenapa people always buat assumption tanpa tanya dulu ?
pelik .
then kuar kan statement2 yg bole cari gaduh .
contoh 1 .
pinjam kamera aku .
aku x kisah langsung ok .
as long as camera tu ok and baik ja .
nk bwk g mana pon .
go ahead .
before ni pon mcm x penah org len pinjam .
berkurun2 .
bwk kemana2 .
ada aku bising ckp xleh guna jz nk berenjoy2 ?
xda kot .
contoh 2 .
ckp aku jelous .
sebab penah ada hati dgn sorg tu .
owh .
apakah statement itu ?
first year di ukm aku still couple ngan ejad kot .
then ckp aku ada hati ngan org laen .
aduhai2 .
contoh 3 .
bila aku da malas nak amek tahu ape pon .
ckp aku sengaja nk cari pasal n nak avoid .
haishh .
x faham btol aku .
hello .
aku pon ada keje lain nk buat ok .
n plus .
aku bkn ada 1 komitment je .
kwn2 yg laen mcm mane lak .
*people, please dont asking me . if u guys want the confirmation . go and ask by urself then . duiiii~

January 29, 2010

+ wth +

please stay away from me if u are so damn sucked !

January 24, 2010

+ c h o i i i ! +

penah x korg gadis2 dpt msg ntah pape dlm laman sosial cam FB, TAGGED or MYSPACE ?
contohnya :
hello how are you dear how is life over there in your country am here in malaysia my name is romeo and am here to let you know when i look into ur profile you look so pretty and sweet i need serious reationshipe from you dear i like to make friend with u bcoz am single and honest in life dear plz give me chance to come in to your life let live as onefamily together love u and sweet kiss to you thia is my email bigromeo19@yahoo.com u can add me or u send me ur email too thank i will be waiting to hear from u lovely one bye.
mcm ni ke :
u nie mnja la,, stim i tgk u! nk knal bleh??
ni lagi satu :
am urchman study in malaysia i went to ur profile and it was very cute pls can i have ure yahoo id to add u as best frd
ni pon :
salam..minat wat side income x?
umah kat ner awk?
blik kampung mak @ayah?
ngarut btol kan . kadang2 lawak pon ada . mcm bangang je !

+ ....+

emy ,
jgn kau biarkan diri kau menjadi engkau yg dulu .

January 23, 2010

+ shopping oh shopping +

sgt penat bershopping !

esok start shooting pulak .

sabar eyh enchek kaki .

jasamu sangat ku kenang .


tahniah buat pelajar komunikasi media .
menang besar di festival filem dan video pelajar di unimap, PERLIS .
gud luck everybody utk next production .

January 20, 2010

+ e n j o y +

This is based on a true story.........
it's very touching.
U have to read...
A rich businessman had a beautiful daughter,
who fell in love with a guy who was a cleaner.
When the girl's father came to know about their love,
he did not like it at all,
and so began to protest about it.
Now it happened that the two lovers decided to leave their homes for a happy future.
The girl's father started searching for the two lovers but could not find them.
At last, he accepted their love and asked them to come back home in a local newspaper.
Her father said :
"If you both come back I will allow you to marry the guy you love, I accept that you loved each other truly."
So in this way, their love won and they returned home.
The couple went to town to shop for the wedding dress.
He was dressed in white shirt that day.
While he was crossing the road to the other side,
to get some drinks for his wife,
a car came and hit him and he died on the spot..
The girl lost her senses.
It was only after sometimes that she recovered from her shocked.
The funeral and cremation was the very next day
because he had died horribly.
Two nights later,
the girl's mother had a dream in which she saw an old lady.
The old lady asked her mother
to wash the blood stains of the guy from her daughter's dress as soon as possible.
But her mother ignored the dream.
The next night her father had the same dream,
he also ignored it.
Then when the girl had the same dream the next night,
she woke up in fear and told her mother about the dream.
Her mother asked her
to wash the clothes which have blood stains immediately.
She washed the stains but some remained.
Next night she again had the same dream
she again washed the stains but some still remained.
Next night she again had the same dream
and this time the old lady gave her a last warning to wash the blood stain,
or else something terrible will happen.
This time the girl tried her best to wash the stains,
and the clothes nearly tore, but some stains still remained.
She was very tired.
In the late evening the same day while she was alone at home,
someone knocked the door.
When she opened the door she saw
the same old lady of her dream standing at her door.
She got very scared and fainted.
The old lady woke her up...
and gave her a blue object,
which shocked the girl.
She asked "What is this....?"
The old lady replied...
" Try DYNAMO Liquid Soap ...
just a dab and it will remove all stubborn stains!!!"
*I know how you all are feeling now....
I have been through this too.
But don't look at me like that leh...
I'm also hunting for the idiot who mailed this to me!

January 11, 2010

+ this is what we call BULLSHIT +

penah x korang dapat msg2 yang macam GAMPANG dalam hp korang ?
guest what ?
dua tiga hari ni aku asyik dpt msg yg macam sial je dlm phone aku .
contohnya .
Lebih 100 video "HOMEMADE yg TERPANAS" utk koleksi anda ! Sila balas YA jika mahu. Yang pasti SEKtified ! Semua pendaftaran FREE .
(Mesej ini percuma) Sila balas FREE dan dapat kan pelbagai RAHSIA video rakaman 3GP file yang belum dilancarkan! Umur 18 keatas sahaja! Percuma hingga 31/01/2010 .
hello !
this is what we called it STUPID DAMN SHIT men !
suka-suka hati hantar msg mcm tu .
bukan sekali dua .
dah beratus-ratus kali gamaknya .
ingat sangap sangat macam si penghantar2 msg ke kot !
damn !
nie suma mesti keja org2 yg keja kat kedai TOPUP tu .
aku gi TOPUP tulis nombor .
utk masukkan kredit !
bkn sesuka hati nak bagi korang send msg2 sampah dan x berguna macam nie kat hp aku !
tonggong punya orang !

January 10, 2010

+ yayaayaya +

cik assignment dah mula haunting me !

January 09, 2010

+ d a m n ! +

jahanam punya pencuri !
semoga kau mendapat balasannya .

January 07, 2010

+ l.o.v.e +

Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction. This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person. Even this limited conception of love, however, encompasses a wealth of different feelings, from the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love to the nonsexual emotional closeness of familial and platonic love to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.

January 05, 2010

+ class oh class +

class at early morning like a N I G H T M A R E !
damn .

+ wuwuwwuwu +

cik matahari .
tolong la shining kembali ~

January 04, 2010

+ h u r t ... +

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything
I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
If I had just one more day,
I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line to try to turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
By hurting you .